Koha home
Rules and Regulations
- Library remains open from (11 am-3.30 pm)
- All the assets of the library must be used with care and student causing any damage to the library asset be detected first and necessary action to be taken against him /her.
- Open Access system: Student will be allowed to take their choice of books from the library shelves during library hours only.
- Bag &other belonging are to be kept at the counter before entry to the book shelves .
- Gossiping ,any type nuisance, any type of disturbance in many form are not be tolerated any way and any student detected doing this to be punished properly.
- Any student found causing damage to library Asset to be banned from using the library &final clearance from the Library will not be given.
- Any type of music, Mobile video etc are not to be allowed any way.
- Sleeping is not allowed inside library premises
- Student will be allowed to take photo of any important part of the book form their Mobile, but they have to take proper premise from the librarian/library staff before using it.
- Silence to be maintained as far as possible with in the library premises.
- Lending rules:
For Student: 1 Books are given to the student for 7 days and further can be renewed only once if not in demand. For Teacher: 10 * - After final examination any books lying with student must be returned to the library.